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What is a commodity broker?

A commodity broker is a professional who oversees commodity trades for a client. The term "commodity broker" can also refer to an investment firm that deals in trading commodities. A commodity is a tangible good such as grain, meat or metal sold around the world through several types of investment strategies.

What is commodity trading?

Commodity trading is a diversified financial investment involving the sale of actual goods through online and physical exchanges. A commodity broker works with clients and traders to complete a purchase or sale based on the current market value of a specific good.

Can you trade futures with a commodity broker?

Those who trade futures with oil trading commodity brokers do not have millions of oil barrels or cattle herds delivered to them since futures only involve betting on price movements. For precious metals like silver and gold, however, investors do take possession of the physical commodities. These include gold coins, bars, or jewellery.

Which broker is best for trading commodities?

IC Markets is a world-leader when it comes to innovation and they are always looking at ways to improve and to maintain their competitive advantage. Another good choice when looking for Brokers for Trading Commodities is Roboforex . Roboforex Segregates clients funds and offers over 100 instruments.

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